Luqi Accounting Privacy Policy

We highly value your privacy and have therefore established the following privacy policy to ensure the full protection of your personal information.

Information Storage

Luqi Accounting commits not to save or use your data. If iCloud is enabled and data is backed up, please manage your iCloud account properly and ensure there is always enough space for data backup.

Data Security

Your data security is important to us. However, no means, whether through the internet or third-party storage, can guarantee 100% data security. We will take various legal measures to ensure your personal data and minimize the risk of unauthorized access, disclosure, damage, or loss. However, we cannot guarantee absolute security.

We will not sell or share your personal information with third parties unless with your explicit consent or as required by law.

We will take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, damage, or loss.

Third-Party Links

Our website may contain third-party links, but we assume no responsibility for these links. Please assess their credibility before using third-party links.

Privacy Changes

We may update this privacy policy. If significant changes are made, we will provide notice on the app or website for you to stay informed about the latest privacy policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the privacy policy, please contact us through the following channels. Thank you for your support and understanding: